Las Vegas Rivian Club – Outdoor Photography Workshop

Las Vegas Rivian Club - Outdoor Photography Workshop


September 28, 2024    
2:00 pm - 7:00 pm


NV - Shell Station
3685 N Moapa Valley Blvd., Moapa Valley, Nevada, 89021
Map Unavailable

I’m excited to announce that we’re putting together a photography course with a professional photographer! This course will take place while we’re off-roading on the sandy dunes in Logandale or driving through 40,000 acres of bright red Aztec sandstone outcrops nestled in gray and tan limestone at Valley of Fire State Park (with ancient, petrified trees and petroglyphs dating back more than 2,000 years). It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn how to take better pictures in these stunning locations.

RSPV as soon as possible so we can lock down dates and rates. Stay tuned for more details, and I hope you’ll join us in enhancing your photography skills!

Fee: based on the number of participants. More participants = Smaller fee